Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Broken bones and hurried hashes

Hello hashers,
Well, last weekend took an unexpected and unwelcome turn, with Flasher/Dot falling and breaking her upper arm so severely that she required an operation and stay in hospital. Obviously, we all send our best wishes and hope that she makes a quick recovery. Even more painful, surely, though, must have been the knowledge that she would be unable to set the hash with Horny (to celebrate her birthday, what's more).
In the event, I took over, and, with little time to prepare, decided to go out on Sunday morning, set it, and then hare it. In the event, I didn't get back to the start until about forty minutes after the hash had begun, so had to catch everyone up. It's certainly the first time I've done two hashes without stopping (other than to wonder where they had parked, given that it was not at the designated start point). I suppose it is inevitable that I got two down-downs as a result.
Well done to the little band of hashers who made it despite all the things conspiring against us last week.
The previous hash was a beauty, set by Boozy Woozy and Mrs Slocombe in the beautiful and little-touched estuary area of Murtosa, near Aveiro. It was a lovely day and a well-constructed run, with a pit-stop in a tasca that resembled an East Anglian pub, but with chilled port instead of real ale.
The weather shows signs of changing now, so it'll be on with the winter warmers and ... on, on!