There's been plenty to report but little time in which to do it, hence the long delay since the last post. The last post nearly had to be sounded on the last hash, Mike Boogaard and Mrs Slocombe's slog about the hills and more hills near Jovim along the Douro in the searing heat nearly finished off one or two hashers, most notably Squirrel. Fortunately, a fag and a beer restored her to health in time for the International Picnic.
That was a great event, and well done to all of you who brought food along - it was most impressive.
There have been a number of memorable hashes of late, with healthy numbers (the last ones have had 19, 14, 15, 13, 22, 15, 19 & 21 hashers), but we could do with a few more hares. You'll soon get bored of me doing them! As we hit the school holiday there'll need to be some more whilst we are away.
Tonight we have an evening pursuit hash. Given my current state of knackeredness you should be able to catch me if you don't hang around. We'll see.
Have a top summer everyone. Please post your comments about hashes, hashers, the meaning of life, etc.